
So voting for the second worst Presidential candidate in US history instead of the worst makes you a bad person? Whew, good thing I wrote in McMullin

I’ve lived 42 years and never once have I voted nor has a president affected any part of my life. Other than your irrational fears, and hurt feelings can you name 1 way Trump has affected your life in any way? Live your life and stop crying about something that has 0 affect on your life.

But you are a man right? That’s my guess, at least. I’m not going to attack you, because I don’t think that’s a way to a dialogue, and I assume that you’re arguing in good faith, and not being a troll. So assumptions out of the way, please believe us ladies when we say that the power imbalance strongly, strongly has

...aka ‘women don’t lie’. Yeah, sure!

Let’s play this: when a subordinate tells HR that her boss makes inappropriate jokes making her feel uncomfortable whenever they are alone in a room, HR will have to make a business decision and these days they will rather fire/reprimand the dude before risking a lawsuit or bad PR by her going online with her

It takes one person and one false claim. That’s all.

This is not something that happened to me, but any rational person knows that some people lie to get ahead or take revenge or for some other nefarious reason. Why is it unreasonable to believe, that some women will use false claims of sexual harassment to get back at a co-worker they hate or try to eliminate the

Fuck you and your inappropriate behavior. Are you nervous?

I don’t have to do any of those thing. The mere accusation without any proof can and will have consequences for me. If your co-worker accuses you of stealing, he/she has to prove the allegation, with any forms of purported sexual harassment, that is no longere the case. HR will most likely go with the accuser, out of

The reason you find this so ridiculous is because you will never be in a situation where a man could accuse you of any inappropriate behaviour without being laughed at, safe of you literally ripping his clothes off. You will never be accused of ‘eye raping’, making a man ‘uncomfortable’, ‘sexist’ jokes, ‘accidentally

Damn, shit is bleak for the L.A Chargers at stubhub.

Goddamnit Bruce, sub out our beautiful wonderteen before things get out of hand.

When Tampa was trying to make the 2nd touchdown, Romo said something along the lines of “you get this touchdown, then you gotta onside kick and get a field goal.”

Jesus Christ, people. I’m really, Really, REALLY sorry I said “melt” instead of saying ‘overheat the barrel until it’s almost useless.’ Will you please forgive me?

Y’all acting like I just claimed that adding a folding stock to an AR-15 automatically makes it an assault rifle.

Lindsey, like Houston, you are going to get swamped with “You mean Astros, not Tiger” comments. Too soon?

Game 1 against the Tigers? As a Tigers fan, this is doubly offensive. We aren’t in the playoffs and we don’t have Justin Verlander anymore :(

Now playing

AR-15 full auto melt down test videos on youtube (links below) for even the most entry level AR-15 rifles with a steel barrel usually last 200-300 rounds before catching fire and can still shoot. So even if they only purchased five of them that’s 1000-1500 rounds in a short amount of time.

If you run 2000 rounds through the average barrel in 3 minutes you ARE going to melt that thing. Why do you think the guy had 30 rifles up there? When one overheated he just dropped it and grabbed a new rifle from the floor.

One thing you fail to mention is that using something like this on a regular AR rifle with a magazine in excess of 40 rounds will more than likely end up damaging or melting the barrel of a rifle. You need a specially designed barrel added to support something like that.

...and they seriously missed the boat by not grabbing a young Clive Owen back in the day!