
Ok, now this is just getting mean.

There are 7.5 billion people in the world. Of that number, fewer than 3,000 people are considered good enough to play in the NFL (including scout teams). There are 50-ish people that can start at the quarterback position. There are 10, maybe, that can be considered “elite” or even “very good.” The line separating a

A fractured bone in his back and they expect him to be back on the field taking more punishment in two weeks? I wonder how long the owners, coaches and trainers would want to take off heavy lifting and high-impact activities if they or their family members had an injury like that. But hey, have him pop lots of pain

First, christ man let the bodies cool first at least.

Second, witnesses report the weapon was fully automatic, which are already subject to strict gun controls and rarely found in civilian hands.

What kind of shitty box score just lists “OF” to account for all the outfield positions. It should indicate the order he played each position.

Do not take this as an endorsement of his blackballing, but he’d have a job if he didn’t opt out of his contract with the Niners.


As a cardboard play fort for little kids, that’s actually kinda cool.

I grew up reading ads for a “Polaris Nuclear Sub”. Turned out it was actually just a cardboard box.

I wanted that life size hover craft SO BAD.

When I was a kid I paid $10 for a “remote control hover craft” from the back of Boy’s Life.

I guess I’m EXTREMELY not sure how you see that as leading with the shoulder. His shoulders are squared behind his head, and the crown of his helmet impacts Adams’s face mask. That’s about as head-hunting as head-hunting gets.

In all honesty, I don’t know how anyone with a conscience can keep watching after seeing that.

-This plan lowers the tax rate on the highest earners and raises the lowest tax rate.

You think Hillary would’ve cared either? You’re high.

Eh, I don’t want to silence prima donna players making millions of dollars off of a game, but I do have a problem with disrespecting the flag, anthem, and our country. These players have a unique opportunity to bring racism and inequality to the forefront, but they don’t have to disrespect our country in doing so.

He’s probably not reading this. The fact that you are mad about it and yelling into cyberspace about it is pretty awful, too.

Add immunity and the answer is absolutely, yes.

This right there. There is NO FUCKING REASON a Blackhawk should be flying that low in a residential neighborhood. Not when fort Hamilton can be reached from the water.

Really? A plastic drone that weighs nothing caused “serious damage” to a mighty war machine which purpose is to operate and survive under heavy fire ? Made “dents” in the armored fuselage and a bulletproof window? I hit a Phantom head-on with my car on race track, doing around 100mph at the time. Ended up with