
Why do we give aid to fucking Mexico anyway? I swear, fuck our government.

In a former life, Neymar was a fish.

Good. Keep those assholes out of there.


So you don't seed that the majority of athletes are black? You don't see that blacks are more likely to grow up in a poverty stricken household surrounded by drugs, gang banging and no respect for authority? Statistically assuming, this is true for blacks than any other race. is it right to assume that every black

Um, how is this not a valid discussion?

I really hate how this statement is true "Because they would have to pay to federalize it under American safety standards. And that costs millions upon millions of dollars upfront, when Volkswagen probably won't make a dime on the XL1 project to begin with."

Great article, but I really do hate that this statement is so true "Because they would have to pay to federalize it under American safety standards. And that costs millions upon millions of dollars upfront, when Volkswagen probably won't make a dime on the XL1 project to begin with."

Great article, but I really do hate that this statement is so true "Because they would have to pay to federalize it under American safety standards. And that costs millions upon millions of dollars upfront, when Volkswagen probably won't make a dime on the XL1 project to begin with."

Keselowski is such a little prick.

It's really annoying how everyone feels like it's okay to shit on the Cubs.

I think this was probably a midnight news cast, or 11:30, which was right when Arizona/Wisconsin were playing, so they were still in session.

I did not know it was possible to swallow your tongue. How did the player know he swalloed his tongue, or did he just guess?

You see the " " around the word?

That means it's a quote.

Yes, that's hilarious how he's mad at Snyder, but writes "gooks' in his headline.

Typical liberal. You're wrong, but I can never be.

Man, I miss Hot Sace, The Professor, Spyda, 50, the whole crew.

So you're telling me over 200 schools are purposefully not showing a profit?

Where is the money going? Like, 98% of schools don't run a profit. So, who gets the money?

If you're gonna pay the basketball/football players, you gotta pay all athletes at a school.

How much more G's do Open wheel cars face?

I've never thought about it.