In the very next sentence they’ll try to get minorities to vote for their ban by referring to abortion as “black genocide”. Dudes (yeah, it’s mostly dudes), make up your mind.
In the very next sentence they’ll try to get minorities to vote for their ban by referring to abortion as “black genocide”. Dudes (yeah, it’s mostly dudes), make up your mind.
I’m all for the gas tax IF we see immediate results, and 100% of the increase tax goes to road funding in perpetuity.
Lexus' top seller is a Camry and a Camry based SUV. Maybe the luxury game is more complicated than placating enthusiats who didn't buy the CTS-V wagon when it was new.
Oh great. Now we get to hear from all of the people who wouldn’t have considered buying these cars even if they had a 999 HP V10 and an 8 speed manual gearbox.
+Turbo and you’ve got a great suggestion.
Problem is finding one in a manual (i’ve tried, people want a giant premium for their clutches)
one thing I know for sure: autonomous cars will be filthier than now by FAR
I would like to remind the U.S. government that the 9/11 terrorists were mostly from Saudi Arabia.
Looks like he has a ratty cover on it.
He exploited and exposed our shitty laws.
They are attempting to go for that same minimalist, Bauhaus schtick Audi has down pat, but with their own spin on it.
German police arrest left lane Larry’s,something our police should do here.
thats one reason laughlin is much better. also smells better, tends to be a bit cooler in temp due to the colorado river running through. also easy to avoid crowds by going during non peak times. you can also get a room for $25 a night.
Horchata was a popular drink and it still is.
While we’re talking about food sanitation, you really shouldn’t use a wood cutting board with raw meat. Even with washing there are a lot more place for bacteria to hide in wood
We SURE about that?
What's wrong with me that I like Fieros and want a GT?
Food deserts aren’t caused by no businesses being located there. No businesses being in an area is caused by poverty. And low vehicle ownership that comes because of it. Public transit is only one way to solve the issue, but I doubt what Lyft is doing will be better.