I grew up with the box b-cars, and I love the aerodynamics of the bubble cars! Awesome mileage for a tank. These things are so easy to work on, and a lot of fun when they’re built.
I grew up with the box b-cars, and I love the aerodynamics of the bubble cars! Awesome mileage for a tank. These things are so easy to work on, and a lot of fun when they’re built.
When your V6 is so hardcore it needs six pipes coming out of the hood and another four out back.
It IS a pretty cowardly statement. You’re going to die from a heart attack, cancer or wrecking your car. You’re more likely to be shot by a cop than by a terrorist. The danger of a terrorist attack is essentially zero to each of us individually.
We haven’t had our freedoms threatened by another country since 1945. Since then the enemies of our freedoms have been domestic, not foreign.
I bet it’s a 340 with the Renault base engine in appliance white.
I’m very excited for the day when our generation is spending six figures on, like, a “third off the line” Honda Prelude SH at auction.
Gosh I love those clear hoods, to this day I’ll stop and look in on the last ZR-1s.
same. i actually avoided it ‘cause i got that Fight Club/Idiocracy flavor from people who are into it — you know, the people who giggle and say the n word. then i read it and was like, yea as usually those people missed the whole point, this is about ideological totalitarianism not about Area 51, and then mango…
I sell chevy in Michigan and 90 to 95% of our business is leasing. I can go 3 months without a purchase, all leases.
but 2+2=5
Hell, you could put Chevy badges on and nobody would know the difference. They’d still talk shit about the interior, too.
and when you try to explain to them that AWD doesn’t do anything for turning or stopping better they look at you funny...
Ahhhh, old school traction control. Snow tires and bags of sand, salt, bricks, or whatever else you could find that was heavy that you could throw over the rear wheels, plus shifting the tranny into the lower gears (Low one or two if you had an auto) to get started.
I would take a GM truck from that era, or anything 3800 powered, as far as hand-me-downs go.
Stopped reading the article to mention Nirvana, happy to see I am not the only one. Literally one of the best unpluged’s of all time......Fight me.
I prefer to truther flu claims. Seems every damn person that comes down with something between October and March has influenza. After all, it’s flu season, so there is no possible way you could become infected with any malady other than influenza during flu season. I’d assert a large percentage of people that claim…
Save the foam and the milk solids. They are really good on popcorn or just smeared on toast.
There’s a harley I see quite regularly which is fucking impeccably-done-ratlook-at-great-expense and I feel the same, it’s so fucking stupid and not in a good way.
Look, no matter if you are talking about a starship or a modern day naval ship, there is only one active helm location at any one time. At the helm, you can control the engines and the course of the vessel. All the other crew functions include lookouts, system monitors, navigation (for complex courses), engine room…