I’ll happily be that knob: For $1400 you can build a rig that will run anything you could throw at it at the highest settings, Civ included. The new GTX 10X0 line is phenomenal for the price and then you just need a good MB/CPU combo. $700 for the mb/cpu/VG/RAM, then set aside the rest for a good storage disc, a good…
Stay tuned, buddy.
I can’t believe you actually did this, that’s amazing. Well done.
This. Is. My. Jam.
“We need a tank”
Just goes to show, there’s no such thing as a bad character, just bad players that make excuses for why they suck using that character - and then project those excuses onto others - during team select.
*nerd bursts through the door*
Actually, she’s not really twleve, she’s a 500 year old immortal dragon that just so happens to take the form of a twelve year old, so it’s k.
This game is going to be the next Duke Nukem Forever. It will be stuck in development hell for years and when it finally comes out it will be behind the current technology and no one will care any more.
If a gym was taken over, people would know someone there was messing around instead of doing their job. Which probably isn’t the best thing to do in a highly classified government facility.
Unacceptable. Team Instinct can not hold Area 51. Can we get some Valor trainers up there please!
Designed for children, made challenging by adults. I actually love how they managed to do that for the series.
There's quite a lot of explanation if you talk to NPCs and read the signs posted in game ("Trainer Tips"). And honestly, if a six year old can figure it out by just picking it up, so can you. If you want to get into the serious stuff like IVs and EVs in order to contend in online matches, then just do a google…