
hi, um, if Rebecca doesn’t wanna fuck Cappie, can i pls have him? kthx.

That’s not really fair. Shows “of this magnitude” don’t exist if you’re referring to production size. Nor does that excuse the writing going in the toilet. Do you listen to the words coming out of these characters’ mouths? Do plots only make sense if most of it occurs off screen?

I’ll take a stab at answering this seriously. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that the season was all fan service, but I think I can distinguish fan service from natural narrative progression. To be clear, I definitely agree that narratives have to, you know, get somewhere eventually, and I personally am so fucking

It’s certainly less of a problem than Bran’s “I know everything except when I don’t”. There’s so many narrative get-out-of-jail-free cards with unexplained magic (including the Three Eyed Raven and anything the White Walkers do and ridiculously fast travel) that the whole plotting has shifted from a “X and Y did this,

More than anything, my sense is that the season would have been an order of magnitudes better if the writing team had just taken a step back from everything after the scripts were all finished, and then a few days later take one more editorial pass before committing to filming. There was a lot of sloppy writing, but th

Reviews like this are why we can’t have nice things. Demand better from your entertainment than what Game of Thrones is providing.

Tyrion didn’t bungle anything. His invasion plans were defeated entirely because of a magical teleporting fleet. How is he supposed to accomplish anything when the other side has an “I win” plot button like that to push. His decisions never mattered because the writers decided he had to fail, and instead of actually

Yes, Rhaegar dies at the Trident, the Sack of King’s Landing occurs (where Elia Martell and her two children with Rhaegar die), and then afterwards Ned Stark and Howland Reed ride to the Tower of Joy. In the flashback Bran sees, Ned even points out that “the Mad King is dead, and Rhaegar lies beneath the ground.” In

That’s Alys Karstark. She’s at the Wall. But she doesn’t command her house, and the Karstark troops are all with Stannis already.

Do they burn Littlefinger’s body?

So...In the show, if Jon hadn’t gone looking for a wight, they could have just stayed south of the Wall because the Night King had not way of getting past it anyway, Danenerys has her dragons, and they can just ride the winter out without any real threat of the White Walkers. Is that about right?

Seriously, in normal

Normally, in soap operas, it’s very common to show a scene that would only make sense if someone - normally the person being fooled - was watching.

I go into more detail on another post, but I think that when they started cutting out subplots and dropped the Vale, they lost track of what Littlefinger’s plan was and never really figured out a new goal for him. Without his War of the Three Queens plan, Littlefinger doesn’t really have much going on, or even a real

The most infuriating thing was that the Sansa vs. Arya bait and switch was completely USELESS as they didn’t even bring it up during the surprise Trial of Littlefinger. It only served the purpose of catching him off guard, as the Starks continued to throw accusations at him without any physical evidence but using

Not possible. They’re literally in Winterfell with the Boltons, and wouldn’t be allowed to leave.

God, that whole plot line was so contrived. WHAT THE FVCK WAS THE POINT OF THE ARYA vs SANSA SCENE FROM LAST WEEK? Why did they have a fight? Was Littlefinger ALWAYS watching them? I hate it so so so so so so so much.

There really aren’t any “other Northern houses” in the books at this point. Everybody is either committed to Stannis or with the Boltons at Winterfell. If Stannis loses, there’s no real Northern army left.

Aidan Gillen’s horrible acting will haunt the series no longer! Yay! In fairness, the writing for Littlefinger has been terrible for a very long time (the writers frequently took “chaos is a ladder” to mean he would do whatever the plot required of him at any given moment, and as a supposed genius, he suffered the

That would have been amazing.