
I learned to drive on a '94 Prizm with a stick shift, good memories.

that's as good a reason as any for her to be your ex

They need to make a mouse that has a scroll-wheel that stays usable with a greasy finger, extra traction on the wheel. This crappy lenovo, company provided, mouse doesn't fit the bill.

The universal SIM sounds like a great idea, but what are the chances AT&T allows that on their phones? In the US you can't even use any other GSM networks for data, and I'm sure as hell not paying $20/megabyte outside of the US. It sure would be nice to be able to get alternate service when traveling abroad.

flightstats.com has been doing this for at least the last 2 years.

I nominate the Glaxo building here in Durham, NC.

it's working on my phone. Noticed it by accident, was trying to scroll through results and held my finger on the link. Kind of useful, I guess.

Get a suitcase that doesn't require you to lock zipper-to-zipper. Without the ability to re-close the bag they might not open it in the first place.

just get a suitcase that doesn't require you to lock it zipper-to-zipper. At least with this if they do open it up this way they can't get it closed again. Not having the ability to cover it up should hopefully discourage anybody from opening it in the first place.

needs more tractor

"Manual Transmission Only" something that should be said more often.

The UK version? Do you really think anybody reading Jalopnik needs clarification?

Have people suddenly forgotten how to turn their big fat, burger munching, super-size coke drinking, idiot heads around? I guess windows and mirrors are just too damn much for some people to use.

I'm still convinced that the Cube was created as a joke, just to see if anybody would be stupid enough to buy it. Sadly, people are that stupid.

@alan505: seriously! Kids these days and their lack of respect for the Roadmaster, i love backwards facing seats in the trunk.

$108? I'm traveling soon and just bought an unlocked quad-band GMS phone on ebay for $50. It's smaller than this thing, and even takes pictures!

I've been to Brazil 12 times visit family there, never heard of "Sao Paolo". I hate being this person, but come on Jalopnik, it's Sao Paulo.

I used to work at a science museum with one of the largest butterfly conservatories in the US. A a large magazine was doing a photo shoot and asked if we could turn up the misters to make clouds. Not only did we make clouds, we managed to actually make it rain indoors. Nothing like some artificially created weather

When I got my license it was either learn to drive manual or drive a mini van. The choice was obvious.