I figured the mannequin scene was a shout out to The Omega Man, and Charlton Heston's creepy, flirting with mannequins and dress up fun-time. Though I much prefer watching Will Forte court them.
I figured the mannequin scene was a shout out to The Omega Man, and Charlton Heston's creepy, flirting with mannequins and dress up fun-time. Though I much prefer watching Will Forte court them.
I haven't watched the episode yet, but it sounds like they took a lot of material from "The Rise of the Governor", his backstory novel Kirkman wrote. Although, in that, it ended terribly.
We should probably throw Alan Tudyk in there somewhere for good measure.
We should probably throw Alan Tudyk in there somewhere for good measure.
Fantastic review. This has by far been my favorite season, if I had to pick one of course. It's like the eldest most successful child in the bunch.
Fantastic review. This has by far been my favorite season, if I had to pick one of course. It's like the eldest most successful child in the bunch.