
Uhh, no CH-53?

Dear GMC, cut the Yukon XL, name it the Sasquatch and sell it as the samsquanch to Canada!

Is the 15th your last day with Gawker or is that when you make the switch? It’s great to see another A-10 article here, congratulations on the move to The Drive, I hope to see more A-10 articles there. Once again congratulations Tyler.

Driving up the NJ Parkway -95 the other day and noticed a superstructure of a Navy cruiser sitting on top of a warehouse, looked it up and apparently that’s where they develop the Aegis Combat System. Also a radar array damaged in the Cole bombing was refurbished and installed there. It’s quite a funny sight in the

Law Enforcement should make a database for stuff like this, to easily compare and recognize car fragments for investigations like this, atleast that’s what I think.

McGuire AFB is just part of Joint-Base MDL, I personally think it was some sort of NavAir operation out of Lakehurst, which could explain why the epicenter is supposedly Hammonton. I do believe after all that the Navy does a whole bunch of experimental tests there, I think they’re working on that electromagnetic

What does it mean if the tail and nose are red/orange?


Are, you kidding, with the proper safety gear I’d love to have a reliant robin, as long as I have a properly four-wheeled car, that I can be comfortable taking a 10 degree turn in...

Someone already tried this, it was a shitty plan.

So, I’ve been thinking about the S-97 Raider, and how the basic frame could have different roles, sizes, and capabilities. So how do you think Sikorsky will make the Chinook-style one? Tandem-rotor co-axial with pusher props on the sides?

The Little Engine That Could


If this is the hatch for the transport role, suppose it could act as an air-brake when airdropping supplies and/or personnel?

I think instead of the navy motioning for the V-22 to take the Carrier On-board Delivery role, this should take that role.

This grille looks butt ugly!

You’re doing it wrong!

This license plate adds 7.23 HP

Now that’ a Land Rover!