

I blame the mother for letting her ELEVEN YEAR OLD SON buy a copy of GRAND THEFT AUTO 5. the level of stupidity there is astounding.

Hell, that second response is harsh.

♫ A super callous fragile racist sexist Nazi POTUS.
Even now the sound of it is simply quite atrocious.
Maybe if you drink enough it won’t seem all that hopeless.
Our super callous fragile racist sexist Nazi POTUS. ♫ 

Bill Shatner.

Real art takes time, son.

Can you have a series dedicated to a daily Fyre Fest update? This is never not funny.

Brad, she’s not coming back. You may as well get up now.

HAHAHAHA! Omg! This is horrible!!!!

They really could have edited the photos down to half what was chosen. First I would have cut is this “sad sand baby”.

Now playing

Always happy to have a perfect opportunity to link my all time favorite video game glitch. SEAAAANNNNNN

Don’t need a social circle.

Just go out. Go far. Do what you love.

It’s a numbers game. Encounter as many people as possible.

Say hello to everyone.

The scene with the opponent’s wife, when she asks Claire if she ever regretted not having children and Claire says ‘ no, have you ever regretted having them’, as the little brats run around the WH residence. Dead!

So what you’re saying is that he is looking for a true PAL.

I’ve never heard that before; that’s hilarious! And it would’ve caused me to lose respect for Garth Brooks had I ever actually possessed any to begin with.

We used to call these “tents.”

I for one welcome our oral sex expert overlords.