
John Hamm for Orson Randall!

From an actual Asian, fuck off.

I dunno...as an Asian male, Shang-Chi didn’t hold huge appeal for me. I know I can’t speak for “my people”, but for me growing up, I was more than willing to indulge in the heroics of whiter-than-white-bread superheroes while growing up, and still relate to them, even though we didn’t share the same skin colour or

People who say Danny Rand shouldn’t be white need to read more classic Power Man and Iron Fist comics. Most of the stories that both characters were together in at least and an undercurrent of Luke explaining what it is like being a minority to a White guy. If you make Danny a minority you lose the opportunity to use

And if people were thinking that, it just goes to show you how little they paid attention to the comic and are just shouting about something without knowing anything about it.
K’un-L’un is an extra-dimensional city that is populated by aliens that crash landed in the Himalayas. They adopted the culture of their

No real surprise, here. Marvel has been introducing secondary characters with their leads since Nick Fury debuted in the first Iron Man film. The Netflix series seem to be following the same formula, with the Hellcat in Jessica Jones, the Punisher in Daredevil, and Misty Knight in Luke Cage. Shang Chi is a perfect

I said it in the last article and I’ll say it here, I find it equally offensive that ppl are championing casting an Asian actor as Iron Fist ONLY when it’s for a stereotype character like a marital arts master, mystic, or nerdy engineering/doctor type. All you guys who think you're championing racial diversity in

Is that how you felt when Charlie Cox was cast as Daredevil?

I’m honestly not angry about the casting. And it’s not like Marvel has a thing against against Asians in terms of them not being lead material. Have you seen two of the leads in AoS?

Everyone that complained about Danny Rand being played by a white actor can go suck an egg

“They can be faithful to the comics, or they can be politically correct” Oh go to hell. We all tire of this overly PC bullshit (save for moronic SJW types). Not every fucking character is going to be changed to paraplegic dwarf black person. Danny Rand is white. Get over it.

I understand that. But it’s still an American going to foreign land and being better at it than the people born and raised there. With the added element of “he’s Asian so it’s in his blood!” That’s not better.

Does this mean everyone is going to finally stop bitching about Danny being white?

I sort of feel like there would be some SJWs out there who would hit the roof if there was a white guy playing a character named Shang Chi. I am totally pleased he’s (hopefully, if rumors hold true) going to show up in Iron Fist.

I think this is a great move. Really cool character who will hopefully get his own show.

That’s awesome news, Shang-Chi is an Asian Marvel hero that we all deserve, and should want.

Iron Fist as a character was already a case of whitewashing (or, more specifically, the white savior trope). So Marvel is really stuck between a rock and a hard place. They can be faithful to the comics, or they can be politically correct, and in this case, I think being faithful is the right idea.

Not everything is fucking racist. I honestly would love to know how people like you go about your lives pointing out how everything is racist.

It’s not a foreign land. It’s an alternate dimension you knob.

Maybe do the BAREST bit of research before you spout off your SJW crap. The slightest bit.

Your white savior claptrap sounds all great and PC till I counter with the ‘noble savage’ trop or the ‘mystical native’ trop. Sit on that and spin.

Sorry, trigger

Counterpoint: No it doesn’t.