
If you don’t think Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man were risks, then you apparently have a drastically different definition of the word “risk” than I do.

so you don’t think GotG was a huge risk?

Unpopular opinion: He makes high concept projects that don’t really deliver in terms of entertainment. That’s why they don’t make money. Both Crimson Peak and Pacific Rim looked cool, but were pretty hollow when you actually watched them.

Marvel doesn’t take risks anymore

Benedict Cumberbatch is a great actor, and it is pretty silly to accuse Marvel of hiring him only for his fan appeal, especially considering that nobody knows what Del Toro or Gaiman wanted to do with the movie. It is pretty ironic to want those people attached to a movie, only because they are popular with hardcore

Real reason? Marvel doesn’t take risks anymore, why else would their movies be so formulaic?

Real reason? Marvel doesn’t take risks anymore, why else would their movies be so formulaic?

The entire MCU had been a risk from the beginning but I understand from a certain point of view what you’re saying. the films—-all of them—-have a box and a formula that they stick with. It's the character interactions that fool most into thinking they're doing something that they're not. I still like the films. It's