
I’m sorry but i’m siding with Blizz on this one, the game was made in a way that if you are losing so badly that you cant turn the game around it will probably end in 10 to 20 mins, in my opinion theres is no need for a surrender option

i only play since BC but even in BC i didnt have to grind and leveling has been getting easier by each expack, in MoP for example, when i finished the second zone i was already max level, if that's what you call grinding...

first of all "90% grind"? did you even play it? and second i always got the expacs at launch and never did i pay 40$ + for any of them and during the holidays you can get the game and all the previous expacs for 5€

that glow summon method is "barrier ability (called Phantom Sword)"

she didnt wait, she said the reason she didnt reply for so long was she had just moved and had no internet

então escreve em português e logo vemos como é que esta a tua gramática atrasado mental

its just until level 90 not 100

i didnt know that reaching level 90 was "winning" wow or did they add the option to make you level 90 full heroic raid gear and celestial cape with full upgrades, gems and enchants + 100kgold? i must have missed that part. Im not saying they should not crank down on the power lvling service but wow is far from over

well to have ur account full level 90's with the pay service you would have to spend 3000 $, i dunno bout u but i doubt there will be alot of people who will be able to aford the service for 1 char much less for a server full (660$) so as long as they dont drop the high price i see no problem

they might be easy to break with huge work boots i dare you to break one with your forehead

i had a programing teacher that was nuts about flight simulator and made the consoles himself

yeah cause ur response was really mature