Irenaeus Lee Malatesta

That unwritten rule seems to be violated as often than it is adhered to.

The number of actors who have portrayed Batman with appearances in The Flash is equaled by the number of actors who played Bats who didn’t get a reprise: Val Kilmer, Christian Bale, Robert Pattinson. And you can barely count George Clooney in the

Typical full course training is 15 hours or more per week. It’s like having a second job.

Even non-Kona average times on the run leg are pretty good, typically less than 5 hours and that’s after the swim and the bike. When it comes to just running, the average full course age group athlete can do a sub 4 hour marathon.

That’s probably only true if you include triathletes that tackle half mainly ironman, olympic, and sprint distance triathlons. The average run time at Kona is sub-4 hours for the running leg in every age group up through 44 for men and 34 for women.