
Yes Rachel early on acknowledged Mercedes talent and did not disput it for the team and later pull off the song but they never let Rachel truly get credit for saving the day. Finn gets the credit for saving the day and they often threw Rachel under the bus for Finn and KJurt,

Rachel was not a monster that is a joke others had did way worse and were more toxic easily. She could be a brat at times but the few time she did actually complain she did nor get the song. In fact not one time did she keep other from their goals. They had failures and successes. I mean come on Mercedes was touring

Do you think she feels like the target? She shook it off but now forever people will refer to that “joke”. Sadly people get labeled and some people only see headlines she is now marked with this to know fault of her own.

Even if it had some humorous bits (which I don’t think it did) now they are just milking it. Note to them look up the comedy rule of 3 and let your 15 minutes of internet fame go.

I really need to know if she participated in the “Indian” chant and chomp the Brave fans do?

I think Lea mentioned Taylor becasue she is going to her show in Houston this weekend. Not a big deal .

Melania and Barron don’t want to do it either.

You didn’t seem to watch the vidoe at People or you would see she is goin got play the Cory card.