These are great! I love that they don’t just look like anime, they look like old anime.
These are great! I love that they don’t just look like anime, they look like old anime.
Gold is more associated with money, greed, ect. These don’t jump out at you as being shoes of champions, they feel more like what Donald Trump wears to the golf course.
The one thing that oddly took me out of the season was what they deemed too bad of language to air on a TV-MA Netflix show. The N-bomb was liberally thrown around (not that I’m complaining, it worked), but they never pulled the trigger on Fuck and even went as far as censoring it in the songs playing in the…
Before the Inception “Bwomp,” the THX “Deep Note” was the most recognizable and inscrutable sound in cinema. For its…
Deadpool Can Fuck Right Off - A Totally Objective Review By Shawn Cooke. Totally Objective, You Guys.