
I don’t think Azealia’s latest tirade is remotely funny. Sure, this guy’s rich and famous with a lot of defenders and he’s still going to feel bad. But imagine you were some ordinary brown kid or gay kid reading this trash. It could really affect you. It’s hate speech.

Bets on how long until Freelee makes a video trashing Jezebel for this?

Her expressions speak for all of us.

I love Caroline’s face in that last picture. She is OVER IT.

I went to college in NY state. Girls sunbathed topless on campus all the time. It was no big deal and nobody ever bothered us.

Poor Dan.

I was just thinking how at least in her earlier videos you saw a lot of her backup dancer’s faces and they looked like people. Now they are just body parts, basically.

Oh man...that makeup. That is going to be so distracting. Did they honestly think that was better than casting a darker-skinned woman?

I was ready to give this one a pass, but with that description, you’ve convinced me to try it. Well done, 1 Million Moms!

Um, no. Someone can go through a terrible ordeal and still be wrong. There are women who have been raped/abused who go on to blame themselves and slut shame other women. We sympathise with their experience and understand where they're coming from...but we still disagree with them because they are WRONG.

I read the first paragraph and was like, yeah, he sounds a little douchey, but nothing unusual. Then I read the second excerpt...wow. Just...wow. How do people this cluelessly awful exist?

This election, you guys. Eight years ago I wouldn’t have believed it, and now nothing’s surprising anymore.

That’s a good point. I think I find it comforting that a lot of his music was about transitions and changes. But that probably doesn't help his family. I was saddened to realise that his daughter is only fifteen years old.

The Republican candidates aren’t Islamophobic because they’ve never met a Muslim. Their job is to travel and talk to people, I’m sure they’ve met a few. They’re Islamophic because they know their base is Islamophobic, and they want to rile them up for their own personal gain. So either this woman is an idiot, or more

My wedding dance was to Absolute Beginners. What a crummy way to start 2016. But I do feel like there was something transcendent about Bowie, that makes it feel like he’s not really gone.