
Monster! Those elbows are delicious!

That has got to be one of the most supremely unpatriotic things I’ve heard.

Politico has a full transcript of a Trump interview with the WSJ. Lots of nuggets of shite in this one:

And meanwhile, Buzzfeed published an article about liberal vs. conservative news feeds with this image of a popular Republican meme:

Remember when conservatives freaked out for a solid year over Bill Clinton “renting out the Lincoln bedroom”?

Reading Obama’s and Trump’s descriptions of the white house is like comparing a $150 steak dinner to Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. And not even the fun spiral shaped macaroni. The little fucking elbows shapes. Fuck those elbows, and fuck Trump.

Miss Havisham’s moldy wedding cake?

I cannot stress this enough to Trump, he does not have to stay at the White House at all or ever darken Washington DC with his presence again. It’s simple, “I resign the presidency effective immediately,” sign and date it.

Of course he thinks it’s a dump, there are reminders of all his more competent predecessors everywhere, including paintings of them. Put some big guilded mirrors up and he’ll suddenly want to stay where he can see that handsome man with yuge hands out of the corner of his eye as he ignores briefings.

He’s like a character out of a Dickens novel.

Not a surprise. He has no interest in history that is not about him and his idea of good taste is frou-frou gilt on everything and his name in giant illuminated letters.

Chelsea is fast becoming The Mistress of Shade. Love it:D

“The Center for American Progress Action Fund’s website IsTrumpAtMarALago.org estimates that Trump’s weekend vacations at Mar-a-Lago have already cost taxpayers $29 million.”

Y’all remember when Bush 2.0 was sitting in there and we were having “respect the office” shoved down our throats every fucking day?

Not enough fake gold plating everywhere apparently.

There are plenty of other people who not only *want* to live there, they even want the job that comes with it.

Of course he said that.

There is no good reason.
We are collectively stupid and impressionable.

It’s because conservatives have been so effective in convincing Americans than public health care is for Communists.