
Yeah but let’s talk about the panel gaps

Assuming you’ve had sex before, have you ever asked to see someone’s ID beforehand? I certainly haven’t and I would put good money down that 99.9999% don’t either.

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more places need to block social media

Can we quit linking twitter crap? Most places block social media....

Am I the only one noticing the fact that our civil discourse is now so bad, that Godwin’s Law is invoked so often that nobody even thinks it’s weird anymore?

Jesus Christ I hope there is a day in my lifetime that Americans end their pointless addiction to trucks and SUV’s. I’m sorry but you simply don’t “need” them, you really don’t.

I agree that this isn’t the year, but we can’t whitewash him out of the history of video games. I know it’s hard to have nuanced discussions about these things, but we can’t really have a society where everyone is judged by the worst thing they have ever done. People are good and bad, people learn, people make

Good. Emotional support animals are (pretty much all) a scam designed for people to take their untrained animals places.

Why does the workplace care if he can change? Do you know how many men are out there who don’t sexually harass women? Hire them instead.

I did research on workplace sexual harassment in law school. I’m hardly an expert, but a lot of my research showed that a reason some victims do not come forward is that they do not actually want to ruin their harasser’s life and get him fired. For some victims, they want a more restorative approach (counselling,

This duplicitous BS is why so many were left with a bad taste at the idea of voting for her and fought tooth and nail during the primaries for a different option. It wasn’t (at first) because people were anti-woman, nor that (at first) they thought Sanders was more electable... it’s because SHE’S hypocritically

Right, because you can have total joe schmoes off the street run solar, electricity, or gas power plants with no problems. Nuclear power isn’t anywhere near as dangerous as you make it out to be.

National statistics do not support your assertion that “It is cops”. But I cannot help but note that most of the stories of corrupt cops come from cities run by Democrats.

Both are real-time reflex and skill based competitions in which strategy, teamwork and individual skill all meet to see which team can accomplish an arbitrary goal within an arbitary set of rules more completely within an arbitrary time limit.

“Obama-era legislation”? Perhaps learn what the word “legislation” means. Hint: It requires action by a Legislature, not simply a “Presidential directive” of dubious constitutionality. Another hint: If a new President (or his appointees) can rescind the action, it wasn’t actually legislation. 

Hasn’t this type of article become cliche yet? I don’t understand why people get emotionally invested in X. Then oh wait I’ve found X to get emotionally invested it and now I understand that people are irrational and searching for any type of connection.

Okay. I did not know this. But on research, there are a plethora of articles discussing this over the last 5 years.

Poor people should be allowed to enjoy games, music, and movies as well, as anyone else. No one should be denied something because they can’t afford it.