That was lovely. Thanks for posting!
That was lovely. Thanks for posting!
Hah, he definitely said it better than I did
Hey man thanks for letting me know Bill Clinton is running for president
Go on...
John Wayne Gacy once took the cops who were tailing him out to dinner. As they drank their coffee they asked him about his clowning. He smiled at them and said “You know... clowns can get away with murder.”
*sigh* I will try again: you said it was a joke. he says it was a joke. *I* am saying that to many women - and women are half the population of the United States - that “joking” about sexual assault is Not. A. Joke.
But is it a hole? Here’s how you weaponize it for her side.
If they weren’t willing to pay attention to the overwhelming amount of previous misogynistic evidence, why would these women will change their vote now? To really cost himself votes, Donald needs to verbally contradict himself on the few things he is actually willing to take a stand on (e.g. immigration, factory…
please, keep telling women - many of whom have been sexually assaulted in one form or another - that this is “just a joke”.
He will be sorry if he does, it’s not like she hasn’t prepared for it. He’s a multiple time adulterer who’s on tape advocating for sexual assault. She mopped the floor with him last time and she was playing it easy, if he goes after her relationship she will take him to pieces. He’s been in two playboy videos, he’s…
Do you you really hate it though, jordo
Maddow ended a segment of her show with “you’re not dreaming, you haven’t died and gone to hell, this is where we are now. This is politics in America”
According to at least one lawsuit filed against him a few years back, no, it was not a joke. It was a bragging statement about an actual thing he did and probably still does.
“That was ten years ago” works when you’re in your mid-20s talking about something you did when you were in middle school.
That’s a horrible proof of life video. He should totally be holding today’s newspaper.
I expected better from a man who runs beauty pageants. Treating women as objects? For shame, sir.
I’m just glad it sounds like he’s staying in the race because the GOP needs to be forced to fucking own this.