
I think it's less that men can't be feminists and more that we shouldn't be the ones to decide that we are. We should try to live up to those ideals and goals, certainly; but to assume that one's self-assessment of "am I doing this right" is the only correct one is not going to lead you down the right path in any

I choose to apply Henry's Razor: all else being equal, blame the lawyers.

It's a lot more bipartisan, as I understand. Left-wing antivaxxers are more likely to blame Big Pharma, while the right-wing are usually the "gubmit cant make me put the NWO nanobots in my body" types.

When I was feeling sick as a kid, my mother liked to make grilled cheese sandwiches with zucchini instead of bread.

I'm sorry, but nothing will ever be more amazing in its what-the-fuck-am-I-watching-on-cable-television majesty than the song "Coming For You".

Look, I enjoy some extremely dry sarcasm as much as anyone, but I think that may be overdoing it just a touch.

Can God post a troll so blatant that not even He can bring Himself to respond to it?

dear richard

go back to gbs

That's not an entirely unfair claim, although I'd argue that third-party voters in swing states do bear some degree of moral culpability for whatever major candidate wins their state.

Untrue. Trump had a lead of 10,704 votes in Michigan, where Stein had 51,463. He won by 22,748 in Wisconsin; Stein got 31,072 there. And in Pennsylvania, Trump had a lead of 44,292 votes; Stein got 44,941 votes there. Flip just those three states blue, and Clinton wins.

I'd take that case.

If the Super Bowl had to be cancelled because the Falcons' bus crashed and too many of them were still in the hospital to field a full team, yes.

Trumpy, you can do stupid things!

Same as it works if you're not, I expect. The only indication that your browser history has anything to do with it is from a former Google employee (in other words, not someone who was working on the Invisible Captcha project). "Browsing behavior" could just as easily refer to stuff like how the mouse moves across the

I read that as "magical dog" at first and was really confused.

If the cost can be brought down, then that will encourage the usage of tastes-the-same-as-meat veggie burgers in places like fast food restaurants (where people are more concerned about "can I finish this over my lunch break" than "how were the cows treated prior to slaughter"). This results in lower need for large

Life has fed on life since it began. This doesn't mean we should abandon all ethical standards, certainly, but it does argue against your claim about levels of delusion.

Yeah. They're called Twitter.