
I tweeted at you from @CKFairbanks, but my suggestion is better explain in more than 140 characters.

drivel. You know what gearing does? if you use them in an underdrive setup (input turning faster than output) they multiply torque. So, if this one is a Hemi with ~390 lb-ft of torque at the crank, you start off in first gear which for the 545RFE is 3.00:1. So now at the output of the trans, you have 1170 lb-ft of

The Viper trucks were monsters, albeit heavy monsters that skated over uneven pavement, but this 'Hellcat engine in a RAM' idea isn't half bad, actually. It just requires a good bit of drivetrain development work to execute properly. Work FCA is not likely to invest in on an ultra low volume model.

He doesn't have the Liberty to do this! Where's his moral Compass!? We need a Wrangler who'll stop this nonsense!

It's yelling "Hemi with your best shot"!

I just realized that articles on this site don't do the bitch-assed thing of turning "ten items in this article" features into vile trifling 12-page slide shows.

You have to throw a bone to the engineers every now and then. I could imagine building cars with great fuel mileage and small motors gets quite boring.

I saw one of these at Sand Mountain Utah about 5 years ago. The sand rooster tail was still going up when the driver shut it down 700 feet later at the top. My erection still hasn't completely gone away...

I'm sure that due to a massive number of wreaked hellcats in the coming years engine swaps will be plentiful

Too many doors.

You can purchase a traction package! Also known as 10 bags of cement for the back of the bed.

Dodge, just do it. Bring back... THE DUDE.

This is the first thing I thought of when I read "RAMCAT"

Call it the Pussywagon?

Bimotor Z confirmed!

Its no worse than an obscenely old person with a deteriorating brain.

1968 for the hidden headlights, and well the rest of it too.

Jalop Caprice owners, out of the woodwork!