
this made me laugh harder then it should have.

I just found this post and the link to the instructions gives a page not found I so wanted to make this

So they are promising to follow the current as is open internet rules for 3 years even if the litigation changes them. Yeah I call bullshit they will drop that in a heart beat if the current open internet rules change to benifit themthem from the litigation.

Or they just move out of California and it becomes a much better place.

As I am going to have to go through this surgery at some point because I have 0 sperm in my ejaculate (took 4 separate tests all 0) this news makes me happy.

Sadly the android TV push from google sounds like a cut and paste from when google TV came out. On the nvidia side of things I already have the tablet and the processor is now the old model but it works great in console mode and has andoid 5.1 (just updated) so I can play lots of android games on that. While hooked to


And cost more then a plane ticket. The high speed rail in Cali ticket prices are estimated to be 200 one way.

She should of went for a moob grab

Glad I kept my grandmas 1972 2 door maverick with 302 in it. Now if I can just find time and money to fix it up.


So this for the wife in full trim and a base manual renegade for me lol

Wonder what they will do about sprinklers I can see many damaged sprinklers

jump into a tree?

So then we will finally get something akin to a Geo but electric.

My wife just got over a MRSA infection on her thump it took 9 days and taking 4 pills a day

the line of sight by the operator is going to be the issue with this whole thing means it can't be automated they might as well just have a min wage guy drive it to your delivery destination instead of paying a pilot to follow and fly a drone.

having to do a pre flight before you leave and a post flight check after you land. On top of that if it has to have scheduled inspections every 100 and 400 hours it will break the bank.

yeah I have windows 7 enterprise so I'm probably screwed so I need to find a cheap upgrade version

hopefuly it is priced reasonably