
Edit, stupid image attacher.

@Denver: false. they were swept away in hurricane andrew.

goddam i love legos

if there was ever a doubt that giz was apple biased.....

can u imagine this? granted it's a retarded practice, the dude still killed his own family on his wedding day.

@fhrblig: if you don't like girls then why'd you put your head dow.... ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

FYI, you can get a 50" 1080P plasma (PN50C7000) for $1,189 from advancedlamps.com

i have never solved it. for some reason, every time i got to get all of one color on one side, the other colors on the other sides just keep moving around.

should i be aroused or concerned?

720P playback, HDMI out. now i can take my netflix anywhere. love my evo.

holy fuck! silver colored flubber!


why is there a black screen for more than half the video?

@Squalor: i'd test her tube if you know what i mean.

and apple responded with 31 glasses of shut the hell up

look at steve jobs. do you think he does any tri's and bi's?

@mephestic: we heard you the first time. also it's "but can it run crysis" so you both failed.