
is that zuckerberg?

"Not big enough for you? It is even bigger than the Corellian Corvette used by Princess Leia"

mine would read "the fastest upload on earth"

Fuck T3, Chen for president!

@Graviton1066: still, it doesn't matter where the seats are. if someone lets a hot one loose, everyone is FUCKED. there's no venting that puppy out.

@ffejie: ya but what happens when you dial 867-5309?

i would eat mad mexican food and sit on the top row.

@Kamenwati: yes, one sounds hispanic, the other israeli


@Kamenwati: Ahh, so the far west then lol. My father, and that side of my family, are from Brooklyn.

@Barion: that's tricky. i feel like she can be sued for that. luckily i'm not a jerk.

"Professing Your Love and Lust

@Kamenwati: Yoel, what part of haaretz are you from? I was just there.

do it