@Weakskills: that's what i thought
@Weakskills: that's what i thought
is that zuckerberg?
"Not big enough for you? It is even bigger than the Corellian Corvette used by Princess Leia"
@wasting_company_time: you and me both.
mine would read "the fastest upload on earth"
Fuck T3, Chen for president!
@Graviton1066: the more you know
@Graviton1066: still, it doesn't matter where the seats are. if someone lets a hot one loose, everyone is FUCKED. there's no venting that puppy out.
@ffejie: ya but what happens when you dial 867-5309?
i would eat mad mexican food and sit on the top row.
@Kamenwati: yes, one sounds hispanic, the other israeli
@John Scott: scruffy seconds
@Kamenwati: Ahh, so the far west then lol. My father, and that side of my family, are from Brooklyn.
@Barion: that's tricky. i feel like she can be sued for that. luckily i'm not a jerk.
"Professing Your Love and Lust
@Kamenwati: Yoel, what part of haaretz are you from? I was just there.
@N@tedog: you are correct
do it