i make the same gestures to my girlfriend and then sandwiches appear
i make the same gestures to my girlfriend and then sandwiches appear
@Benevolent_Dictatrix (patently absurd): lol yes
@m4ximusprim3: I'm going to start using that...a lot.
@sea3d: and the thing is, from what i understand there are already many app based UIs available, and it seems like those guys stay on top of keeping them current.
@stryder100: genius design if it canceled out the atheist opinion.
@AreWeThereYeti: good point. also, your original point was a good point.
he makes as much sense as tony hayward
@Kaiser-Machead: lol at your 2nd reply, and as for this one, i got an automatic for the VCM which in retrospect was retarded. i'm full of fail and shame.
@AreWeThereYeti: another option. i'm not a fancy programmer type, but couldn't some programming be done on both ends that would allow updates to android OS to easily interlock with other UIs?
@searching with my good eye closed: ouch, i have an accord
@Kaiser-Machead: ya but then how are you gonna score megatron 'gine? think it through!
@SewerShark: you would still get a lot of pussy in that thing
and then they woke up
i want suck suck
like throwing a human down a hallway
@Geisrud: i think dxl700 meant non-conformist, not true fan of new tech
@WestwoodDenizen: my penis has a jpeg leg
after a yottabyte comes yottaflame
@Andinator: so fucking true