That’s Super Bowl Champion Brock Osweiler to you, Samer.
That’s Super Bowl Champion Brock Osweiler to you, Samer.
I don’t know if he overthrew the slot or underthrew the go route.
I’m not a cord-cutter because I like watching live sports on a big TV, which in the case of ESPN is pretty much just the NBA playoffs this time of year, but damn if the ads aren’t so incredibly repetitive and annoying that I’ve ended up just muting every commercial break. Smarmy Chevy guy and his JD Power awards,…
Frankly, I actually agree with this. Giving her a WC would solely be for promotional purposes, so shouldn’t we celebrate this as keeping integrity to the game?
This is a bizarre thought to me. It’s not sanctimony. They’re just saying you don’t get preferential treatment. She lost all her points and now she has to start anew. That’s the punishment. It’s up to the tournament organizers whether to let her in or not. Telling someone to qualify on their own next year, we…
None of the ticketholders bought tickets expecting to see Maria Sharapova. That’s like you buying Super Bowl tickets in June, and bitching out the NFL because your team didn’t make it.
I pity whoever wakes up next to James Harden, because there is not an inch of that bed that he didn’t shit all over.
I guess Russell Westbrook really is the MVP.
Yao is Chinese. He’s not Asian-American.
Aaron Hernandez, an innocent man, died in prison. Yet, Tom Brady (clearly guilty of evidence tampering) walks free. That’s America for you.
For context of how shocking the 44/47 arrest figure is, Banks County is 93% white.
“Former tight end” is just rubbing it in.
Like, why would anyone try to actually scam us?
This man is a genius.
“Now on 5 hours a day, it’s ‘Shouty and Squinty’, where Stephen A. shouts, and Darren squints blankly into the abyss!”
When you put like 13 clips in a row it makes it super easy to jump to the next article and have no idea why the hell people are pissed off about esports when we should be talking about how Curry is a swish master.
So THIS is the undercover midwestern racism everyone talks about.
Something tells me you won’t need to worry about anyone talking to you...