
As a moderate republican, I have to admit that my main argument against the godless mixed-race socialist lesbian horde is their rudeness.


I don’t care who the speaker is as long as they maintain decorum and try to win over moderate republicans. That’s how democrats can really excite the base.

You’re right of course, but you’re commenting on an outlet that refers to CNN as a part of the “mainstream media”.

I mean....maybe it’s the lawyer in me, but um. This seems kind of important, yeah?

Can we stop saying “mainstream” media? You sound like Sarah Palin and it’s embarrassing.

Bitter ex theory: Fox stopped tweeting, expecting an outcry and it turns out nobody asked them to come back, so now they’re just doing it out of spite.

I start the bidding at....<digging in pocket>....two dollars!....and...ummm... thirty eight cents!

This is amazing and I want to come spend every day in your bookstore.

Oh man, I don’t even know where to start anymore, though I am of course way too late to this post for it to really matter. I used to work at a bookshop with a very high celeb clientele percentage for a few years when I first moved to LA; I now work in a mom & pop bookshop that has a lot of them for our

That’s a great rock star meeting. Love it! 
It also reminds me of my favorite story from a friend who used to live in Aspen. She was walking into a coffee shop one afternoon and bumped right into Ringo Starr.

I read this post in Kenneth’s voice in my head.

Did you make a mistake that fateful day? Depends on your type I guess...

I once pee’d right next to Al Roker!

I was a table away from Mick Jagger at Bemelman’s Bar a few years ago. Growing up in NYC, I was taught to never bother celebrities, but husband was like, “you’ll never get this chance again.” I went over and apologized profusely saying I just wanted to say hi. He autographed a napkin for me and said “If I didn’t want

The Great White House Reporter Purge

I fully believe he’s convinced himself (in no small part because of the yes-people he surrounds himself with) that he can, and has, made this country into the United Empire of Trump where whatever he says automatically passes into law.

It’s like Dumb and Dumber, but with politics. 

Burkman—whose fly happened to be down during this extremely important and serious event—insisted on calling the 20-year-old Wohl “a child prodigy who has eclipsed Mozart.”

The fact that the two of them soldiered on with their press conference in light of the incredibly amazing internet drubbing they got yesterday is honestly hysterical and sad at the same time. This is what happens when a 20-year-old has already gone through a major legal proceeding and got off with a slap on the wrist.