
These terms will be replaced with vigorous hand waving below the waist and multiple utterances of, “ know...!"

Here’s an easy thing you can do on Twitter that’ll save you a lot of hassle and mockery, Ted Cruz. Don’t “like” weird shit. You don’t have to do it!! The author of the tweet won’t notice you haven’t done it, won’t call you out for it, and it’ll save you a lot of embarrassment when you get caught liking whatever creepy

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

What?! Swan is giving Trump enough rope to hang himself. He’s not advocating the policy or celebrating it, he’s gleefully letting Trump’s idiocy shine through.

OK that’s just wrong. the council of Jerusalem which was in the first century changed its so any non jew could become catholic. So less than half a century people had to be Jewish first to become Christian. Misinformation is dangerous.

For those unclear on how Messianic Judaism is possible...

DT truly IS the very avatar every shitty, stupid, lazy, petty, racist, purposefully-ignorant failed human who has voted Republican since 2000 prayed for.

Waiting for the inevitable release of his criminal history that will almost certainly show that he was found guilty of misdemeanor domestic assault like almost every one of these shooters.

“unless it’s just more Jez bullshit-for-clicks...”

My nearly 50 YO self is saying “you should have stood up for yourself and not married him if you were not ready, mother be damned”.

Something like that used to happen to me when he wanted pancakes, or sex, or lemonade.

I believe the gun can be there legally...and he can also be charged for it legally...I have a felon in my home currently and was instructed to remove all fire arms as this right here could happen. The felon could be charged for my firearms, this is in Michigan....not sure if this is some state specific stuff or what.

This isn’t entrapment; as the officer didn’t compel or incentivise Everett or his gf to post anything, and you absolutely have NO expectation of privacy for anything you post on Facebook.

I thought you guys were just bloggers, though.

Men can be childish too ya dumb cunt.

Also, a journalist is not somebody who simply reposts actually news and comments on it, those people (like yourself) are called bloggers. I think Santa should bring you a dictionary for Christmas.

Barack Obama: got himself elected President. TWICE.

Playing the sexism card toward a comment about your naivete only drives home the point that you’re a naive child.

Libby, young children of both sexes are wet behind the ears. You’re whipping the sexist card prematurely and losing all credibility in the process.

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything