Your stupidity and misogyny are painfully apparent.
Your stupidity and misogyny are painfully apparent.
She actually did win an Emmy for her portrayal of Spicer. She definitely deserved it.
That is a huge factor. Also, Puerto Ricans cannot vote for U.S. President, and assisting them is going to be complicated and costly.
I am feeling very cynical about all of this. Schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder, as well as depression and anxiety, run through my family. I’ve witnessed a couple of breakdowns that ended with my relatives being hospitalized for their disorders. I find it hard to believe that two girls from a small town both suffered…
B.S.- plenty of white people are enraged. The Republicans in power who are benefiting and/or have some unsavory associates they would like to keep hidden are preventing the infiltration from becoming a thing. On top of that, it’s come out that the Russians were also pushing Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein, which is…
I am in no way trying to excuse Spider’s rudeness- that said, I am wondering if he is feeling extra paranoid, because he is already deep into the investigation and has been warned not to leak. He was accused of leaking while he was in the White House, and he is a logical suspect. Also, he may not want Trump and his…
A person can be mentally ill AND a jerk. Maybe the adult daughter needs to be reminded of what other people, including her mother, have done for her.
No, it’s rumor mongering. Educate yourself. Did you learn nothing from the USA debacle? This sort of factless gossip blogging only serves to undermine women. I suggest that you read up on the 80's devil worship/child abuse hysteria. Did you buy into pizza gate?
“Your” (it’s “you’re) dumb.
Not to mention the Jill Stein voters and all of the eligible voters who didn’t bother to vote - a significant portion of which were young people and people of color; this issue is more complicated than white women who voted.
I do not understand how Chelsea Manning has been elevated to being a heroine. Regardless of whether or not she caused a death or deaths by leaking classified information, she is a felon and a traitor. I certainly do not wish her harm, but she is undeserving of accolades. Being trans and attempting suicide don’t…
Eminem is at the top of the rap game?
Then I guess you won’t mind if I call you a loser with a micro penis who lives in Mommy and Daddy’s basement? Because that is clearly what you are.
That’s not a minor error. It’s incredibly ignorant .
By all means, present us with your refutation (with citations).
You have much better insight than I do. I’m a WASP who doesn’t leave the South/lower Midwest very often. I agree that this isn’t the prevailing norm, but I am really worried that the white supremacist attitude is becoming increasingly socially acceptable. I used to believe most people were good at heart, but I’m…
That is a terrific quote. He is saying what he should. The problem is that he has not and does not “walk the walk”. And there is no excuse for his economic policies.
Black women with their range of body types and their range of skills (not other women of color or white women)!
I assume you’re joking.