
“Just 23 more days, America. Just 23. More. Days.”

This episode hasn’t even been out for 24hrs and you put a spoiler in the headline of your article. Was gonna watch tonight. Dammit.

I am 32. I consider myself a strong ass woman. Not a victim. NEVER a victim. But what is shocking, and humbling about this entire election is the fact that other women are speaking out about things that I have just accepted in my life as part of being a woman, and that I’ve forgotten about until now. I truly forgot

The women who came forward are SO FRICKING BRAVE.

It means running progressive and open minded people for every office from school board, up to state legislature all the way to the Senate, because these people are not to be trusted with power.

I mean, what can the left realistically do? Isn’t it up to more moderate republicans to take back their party?

The worst part of all of this, is that everything that we are forced to endure now (“lock her up” etc) are things that will be amplified throughout her presidency. It’s not going to be magically over once she wins and he loses. However impossible it might seem, their whorling will become ever louder, drowning out

My ped said the same. I’d probably look for a new one if they told me to lock my child in their room (but I had a family member injured in a fire as a child so I’m paranoid about stuff like that)

First, for the sake of your sanity stay away from that stuff. Those posts always end up with the sanctimommies ruining everything and making everyone else weep. I had a c-section with my youngest. It was a traumatic, emergency kind of deal and I will spare you the rest- but I did not get to actually see the kid let

That should be illegal. Straight up fucking illegal.

I’m not a fan of any type of a woman who so poorly represents Bernie supporters as deranged and women as irrational. *Also* would rather support Trump than Hillary and went on a #NeverHillary campaign. No thank you! Go back to your ping pong crazy sue.

If 20 6 year olds being murdered changed nothing in this country, I have little hope for any future change.

I try to watch it every week. It’s really good. They had Bruce Springsteen on last week.

Or you know, it could be that English is her second language and you’re really reaching to judge from one small phrase?

I took that as her kids wake her up? I know my 7 year old wakes us up at 6:30 on the weekends.

What? I didn’t realize there was an income requirement to be a proper mom?

WTF Jezebel. So she’s got lots of resources. She’s still a mother. She can still be hands on. She didn’t ask to be born in her position.

What’s your point here? That she can’t call herself normal because she’s rich and titled? I mean, why

She’s not exactly flaunting her royalty afforded ease and it sounds like she’s pretty hands on. Not sure reading into things is appropriate. I mean, what is normal? I’m pretty certain there are multiple degrees of normal (agreed, princess /= normal). And though she had major major privledge, sounds likes she’s pretty

I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.

I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to my father, Marine Corp Colonel Samuel Tillett for his courageous and near fatal actions, attempting to save as many lives as possible 15 years ago today in his position as head of security at The Pentagon. When the plane hit my father was not but a hundred feet from the