
...is this really that weird/depressing to the parents out there?

I like Jules well enough, but:

Jules was the perfect trophy wife until the show. I find her tolerable, but the way she interacts with her kids bums me out. She has no connection to them from what I’ve seen. I still have 20 minutes left from this episode. Too much wine...zzzzz. Looking forward to finishing it tonight.

Oh, snap! I'm standing up in my living room cheering right now.

Good tweets tonight! This one made me laugh.

I just get the feeling he’s becoming intimately aware of how amazing his wife/their real relationship was and how he’s probably never gunna get that again. This screams classic “I’m totally fine. Look how great my life is. Honest!!!” behaviour to me :(

Are we allowed to be excited yet? I have a two year old daughter and this is just such a huge thing for her generation. She gets to grow up knowing you don’t have to be a white male to be president.

Yeah. Fuck that guy. Now we know where the kid gets the entitled, irresponsible attitude.

“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”

Muhammad Ali’s death has no place in a dirt bag.

I’m for Hillary. My sister is for Bernie. She’s in California so she keeps saying that she has to have her vote. That it can’t be decided until the whole country has voted. I tell her, Fine!

Interesting. I paid zero dollars to look at the picture of the dead baby on the main page at Gawker.

This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

Did anyone think it was weird that she thought the vagina laser wand was so huge?! Like come on girl, that ain’t shit.

This might be weird, but to me this seems extra-sad because it’s not like his drug use was the typical reckless/self-medicating/decadent 27-year-old rock star thing. He made it to middle age, his hips went bad on him, and he got swept up in an ongoing national epidemic that’s killing a lot of people right now. I’m

So, she totally rebuffed his flirting and he’s taking his hurt fee-fees to the media, right?

Its not so much that he’s still in the race. But, the fact that he continues to incite such rabid distrust of Clinton is major problem. Even worse, he’s not correcting some of his more fanatical supporters when they repeat GOP lies about Clinton or say that she’s not a liberal. This is a major problem. And its

Horn Tiny Cricket? I’m down.

What’s surprising (but really shouldn’t be) is how improvised so many aspects of the the whole experience are, and how many random curveballs there can be, even though it’s something that happens so frequently, you’d think it would be routine. I blame television and movies for perpetuating the idea of the “routine