
Lol, i was just making a joke. We did have our dog put to sleep when I was around 8, but my parents were reasonable human beings about it and explained what was going on. She was a good dog, but she was old and sick.

Is that the same ranch my dog went to when I was 8? My dad swore it was super fun and she'd have all the room she wanted to run around.

Consent under duress is not consent.

Just be sure to try this shortly after sunset. You probably won't have to hold your breath for very long.

How about changing it around completely to avoid confusion?

And then he tried to make a new meme. He logged onto Gizmodo, but one of the regulars is a Reddit mod.

Why you think Yaddle not like to cuddle, hmm? Needs love just like everyone else, Yaddle does.

Ayup. [gizmodo.com] Also, the two of them are immediately visible in the photo you linked. Look at the bottom row.

Good for them! My understanding of the situation is that under the Obama compromise, only people employed directly by a religious organization (such as a Catholic hospital) get the "partial opt out". The slippery slope I'm worried about comes in when some random Christian Scientist business owner decides to opt out

Believers in Christian Science could actually make a pretty solid argument for refusing to provide any insurance on a religious exemption. Slippery slope's a bitch and a half.

"Insurance is a form of gambling. I'm morally opposed to gambling. No insurance for anybody!"

Well, the name's LlamaLord, not LlamaLady. Totally a dude. Although while I was there, I worked with two women who were over 6' in heels (which they often wore.)

As a general rule, I loathe PETA. I do, however, have an awesome PETA story.

Well, as a 6'4" gaijin who lived in Japan for several years, I think that most people would rather deal with a robot than unexpectedly encounter me. It always made me laugh when I noticed just how nervous people were around me (incidentally, I developed a massive slouching habit to compensate.)

Damn. I can't believe I missed "hunt." I don't mean to be blunt or overly up-front, but it's quite a stunt to make me grunt in a game of wordplay. I take it as a bit of an affront when people confront me like this.

"haven't had time to keep up?" It's not like it's exactly new tech. Just in case you need a refresher on some other comparably new weapon technology, you may want to look into the blunderbuss, musket, flintlock pistol, bayonette or possibly the sword.

Not that I agree with Gov Christie at all on this issue, but didn't the people of New Jersey elect him as well? Possibly even while being aware that he could veto things that he doesn't like? Perhaps if the people of New Jersey didn't want this douche-nozzle vetoing things willy nilly, they should have elected

Well, assuming it's a pop3 server (fairly likely at a university) all she'd need is an email client that has filters on it. Thunderbird is an excelent (free!) piece of software that does just this. Personally, I'd set it to "red flag" anything from the university email address that gets used for these promotions and

"Rhymes with runt" huh? Bundt? Punt? Perhaps someone is punting a bundt cake?

Thanks for the follow up. I must have missed that article. I do my best, but sometimes I miss a day or two around here.