Llama Del Rey

This is Australia, but yeah, all funny wig-wearing Commonwealth system. I’ve literally just covered actus reus and mens rea of murder in law school (UK) - like, this week- so I’m struggling to get my head around how they couldn’t charge him with SOMETHING. Strangling someone definitely sounds like intent to commit

Nah, Brits love laughing at themselves. It just has to be funny.

France is really curious- in some ways, it’s the opposite of parts of the US, with really far-left economic and political ideas, but a lot of people still totally conservative on social issues. Ergo, the widespread protests against gay marriage in Paris last week.

I think most of this sort of attitude is just nostalgia. I have friends who model and there’s really very, very little skill to it. Yes, perhaps models were encouraged to show more individuality in the past, but that’s because that was what sold clothes. Now I suppose the dead-eyed thing sells clothes. It’s like

Erm, I agree that a lot of Sanders supporters were unfairly stereotyped as well- that doesn’t make the original comment okay?

That comes off as really belittling. It’s fine if you don’t like Hillary, but there’s no need to trivialise young urban millenials (yas queen types, like me!) who support her. I want the party led by an electable progressive who knows the game and can get shit done.

Thanks for the details, that’s super interesting! I should’ve clarified that from what I know, they were legal abortions (1970s), but Soviet medicine was so bad that even ‘proper’ procedures were done horrifically. (Apparently my mother was shocked by how small American hypodermic needles were, as she was used to

She’s always been reluctant to talk about it, but my 62-year-old mother once mentioned that she’d had two abortions back in the Soviet Union, and the after-effects had nearly made her infertile. (I’m the nearly, after 5 miscarriages.) I don’t know the full details, but Soviet medicine was awful and birth control

I don’t know if I’m impressed or just terrified. Stroking my own earlobes now as if to reassure them that they will never come to such harm.

Billy Bush is what happens when you let a vat of entitled white male privilege congeal into a humanoid form and gain sentience.

It’s terrifying how the floodgate of memories can be opened so unexpectedly, isn’t it? How horrific of your ex to react in that way. My boyfriend has generally been supportive, although sometimes it can tip too far the other way- extreme anger at the man for touching ‘his’ woman, instead of gentle empathy for me, the

You’re not magically blessed with great friends, I promise. Early on in our relationship, my boyfriend’s best friend came to my house party and tried to rape one of my friends. There were tons of witnesses, it was undeniable, and yet my boyfriend had ABSOLUTELY no clue his friend was ‘like that’, because he’d always

Lifelong conundrum for me: I LOVE Halloween but I HATE haunted houses. I can’t handle horror movies or jump scares and am highly claustrophobic, so they’re pretty much last on my list of fun days out. But what other fun Halloween-themed activities can me and my friends do? Too old for trick or treating, but getting

You’ve taken the words out of my mouth. All the times it’s happened to me, it’s just seemed ‘normal’ for the context- usually a club or concert, just ‘some creep’ roaming around. I’d rarely feel traumatised by it, just furious; often I’d reach back, grab the offending hand, and twist in an unnatural direction so that

Discovery of cheating, hidden drug abuse, things that your partner kept hidden? I just found out my boyfriend has been lying to me about everything he does for about a year, so I am particularly sympathetic to this theory.

Well, people just refusing to type words out or talk about things isn’t the same as trigger warnings- that does sound counterproductive, and also a bizarre way of trying to discuss a subject. Trigger warnings are just a warning that something is about to be mentioned (say, child abuse) so those triggered can avoid it,

I have anxiety and I’ve been through CBT, and I’ve also been assaulted and dealt with the trauma of that. It’s very different. CBT helped me deal with the anxiety of answering the phone by showing me that nothing bad could happen, but when I saw the asshole who traumatised me last week, it was a reminder that bad

I really love this ad. It feels less like an attack ad and more like a PSA about the dangers of Trump, much in the style of an ad about drunk driving or heroin. (And both seem like better decisions than voting for Trump.)

I never really bought the Kim K on the fence thing. She seems like someone with little to no interest in politics herself (apart from fighting for recognition of the Armenian genocide, which is awesome), and she’s married to Mr. George Bush Hates Black People- I doubt a lot of Trump love is happening in that household.

For me, the IBS just makes my stomach much more sensitive, so where other people might get away with a bit of bloat, I get proper lil pregnant belly from the gas. But yeah, it’s an air pressure change thing, and it passes pretty soon after landing!