The royal wedding is right around the corner. While there certainly will be a lot of champagne being poured that…
The royal wedding is right around the corner. While there certainly will be a lot of champagne being poured that…
This happened over here in Scotland in the run up to the Indy Ref in 2014 and support for and against the idea was very much split ideologically, with the Left wanting it because their support traditionally coming from the younger generations while the Right wanting to keep the current rules to shore up their vote…
For the curious: “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”
There’s an interesting new documentary about performer Grace Jones out this weekend. The title, Bloodlight and Bami, …
My copy is arriving this Saturday, thanks to good ole Amazon Prime. Do you think that this book is something that we, as a community, can read and discuss?
So she’s made it abundantly clear that she’s against Roe v. Wade. But she’s uncomfortable answering a question about segregation because that would be improper.
Counterpoint: You clearly don’t understand the challenges that come with being poor.
On April 26 of this year, the Equal Justice Initiative will open both a memorial and museum in Montgomery, Ala.,…
Motorcycle guys throw around ‘brother’ a lot from what I’ve seen. It’s kinda weird.
In japanese, often times people are referred to as brother or sister by children. “Onii-san”
oh my god, no home training
But Sza and Kelela and Princess Nokia.
Could you please elaborate?
A monastery or a union (i.e. union brother/sister)
Totally reasonable. Also, since brother and sister aren’t gender neutral, labour will probably ditch them soon anyway.
(“Comrade.” “Comrade.” Yeah I could get used to that.)
I hated that book, so fucking boring. I don’t need to know the exact specifics of your potato turd farm. I would like to know that you had some sort of emotion while being stranded on another planet, like maybe fear or loneliness, but that was asking for too much, I guess
The only people I’ve ever heard use the word “brother” like that were older, blue collar baby boomer types. And this being Canada, these guys finished their sentences with “brother” rather than “eh”.
Exactly. If you’re talking about a district in Nazi-occupied Warsaw, knock yourself out. On the other hand, if you’re using the term to connote cheapness or shoddyness, fuck off.
On last night’s Simpsons, the show’s creators poked fun at comedian Hari Kondabolu’s documentary, The Problem With…