
This look won the whole show for me!

Square One was the SHIT

SquareOne TV was literally the FIRST thing I thought of when I read this headline. Even though I enjoyed his amazing work over the decades, I still hear his voice singing about fractions and chance and oh, now I’m weeping over how unfair this loss is. “Nine, nine, nine: Fantastic number nine, times any number you can

Old school punk rock advice:

You can die you’re hair with Koolaid. But the above is the wrong way to go about it. It’ll work OK. Color won’t be great. It won’t show up well in dark hair. And it won’t last long. Which is probably a great low impact way to do this with kids.

To do it right you want the powder. The old

Now playing

Square One was my favorite show as a kid and Cathey was an absolute essential part of that ensemble. It hit that perfect midpoint of entertainment and education that I’m not sure any show ever did better. Loved him as Carcetti’s reality check on The Wire and he really did his best to drag something resembling emotions

I met him briefly in the early 2000s, while he was on Oz. I told him how I’d grown up watching him on Square One, and he surprised me by giving me a hug. Such a warm personality.

My eyes nearly well up every time I see images from these premieres. My heart is so full.

Danai Gurira is so striking and has such presence she could have worn a burlap sack and killed it - but that dress is amazing.

White. People. Did. That.

“Black Panther was a full on love letter to the Motherland, but there were also several smaller love notes for blackness throughout.”

They pick, I don’t—but they don’t pick by their words, they pick by their actions. It’s not “her or me, man,” it’s “do you have my back right now.” Friends are people, not toasters and DVRs. What I think of our friendship and relationship isn’t as important, at that particular time, as what they do, and by leaving the

it’s up to the friends to choose, it’s up to the ex-partners to decide to be bothered by their choices.

And to those saying JT couldn’t win either way, here’s a thought: He knew what his bitchass did to Prince while Prince was alive, and he didn’t have to be the only one up there. So if the NFL just had to give a tribute to Prince, bring someone in that Prince either liked or didn’t actually shade when he was alive.

I thought the same thing about him doing it totally solo! If he had more self-awareness I feel like maybe he would’ve been like, “Oh, okay, maybe people out there aren’t super thrilled, but imma have some fun and see who wants to have a goofy cameo with me.”