Well this is fair, because we administered pee tests to all senior management of the companies that got billions in bailout money, and we also administer them to senators the day they cast a vote in the House or Senate, right? Right?
Duh Rand, drug addiction is a moral failing, not a public health issue. Get with the times! /s
The obvious double standard here drives me crazy. I’m trying to imagine what the reaction would be if boys were told they can’t wear shorts or short sleeve shirts because it might be distracting to teachers, especially if the rationale were that it’s too distracting to gay male teachers...
Ugh. There is so much that is wrong in her tweets. She is suggesting that predatory teachers only go after teens or preteens in short skirts or tight tops, etc. But that is false. Many predators choose their intended victims based on them being viewed as less conventionally attractive and thus less credible if they…
Well, personally, I know that when I see a child with a cookie, I’m unable to control myself because hunger is a natural human urge and cookies are delicious.
I’m pretty sure dudes are gonna get ideas no matter how long/short girls skirts are. I refuse to be held responsible for other people’s thoughts, I don’t always like being responsible for my own. I most definitely will not accept responsibility for anyone else’s actions .
Though still a horrible time to be a Burr descendant but when has it ever been otherwise?
For its entire first season, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has been tackling the topics near and dear to a woman’s heart…
In early 1946, a woman from Carmel, California wrote the Hollywood fan magazine Screenland to say how much she had…