Cabbage Patch Mather

I am so ashamed to have Bill Cassidy represent my state. The man is an absolute scumbag and should have his medical license revoked.

Yeah, one steals freedom quickly, the other one slowly steals freedom.

who exactly said she should be praised? like, did you even read this or this is simply your knee-jerk reaction to any news about a wealthy individual?

The good news is that you’ll end up in the same place as she did, regardless of how rich (or poor) you become.

Because anyone who has lived through the failures of socialism, but still thinks it is a great idea also isn’t particularly bright.

God dammit. Now I have to hope Pelosi wins. Socialism doesn’t work. It has never worked. Every example of modern day “socialism” that socialists reference is actually just a capitalist society with strong social benefits. I’m embarrassed for a guy who has been alive to watch socialism’s failures in real time, but

The city’s official name is “Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza” or “Puebla de Zaragoza”, shortened in common usage to “Puebla”.

The Americas as a whole can’t get a break...first Trump, then hurricanes, floods, now earthquake in Mexico (on top of the daily drug-related mass killings)....jesus christ.

In my state (and in most states, I believe) “the amount of force used to defend ones self must not be excessive and must be reasonable to the perceived threat.” If you are several police officers in protective vests, and the person facing you is one person with a tiny knife, shooting them is excessive and unreasonable

A swiss army knife blade can easily kill someone, a swiss army knife blade or a multi-tool blade is actually more effective than a large rambo knife due to the fact that it can be palmed/concealed and one can approach the target and get close. Anyone nowadays can look up a medical rendering of the location of major

To be fair Slutwalks are pretty objectively embarrassing and equally pointless.

oooh Cat fight !!!

I think she offered enhanced border security funding if they passed DACA, which shouldn’t really be a problem for anyone. It wasn’t even the wall.

What did she offer him? Enforced border security? In what world is that even a negative?

What did she offer to Trump? Last I checked the Dems gave up absolutely nothing to pass the 3 month raise. And then she and Schumer went back and attempted to make a deal that would get DACA into law.

There’s making your voice heard by continuing to apply pressure to your reps whenever possible (good!) and there’s shooting yourself in the proverbial dick because you’re upset the house minority leader didn’t...singlehandedly pass a bill that was exactly what you wanted...during a recess (bad!)? What exactly are they

Way to punch your own side in the face. Great job guys.

Just curious, are you a light skinned Latino or somebody who just wants to make sure that discussions of white privilege doesn’t get offensive to anyone?

Back in the 90s when I was an undergrad in a Span Lit program, I was shocked to discover the color & class warfare that existed among native speakers. Rich white people from South America stuck with the Madrilenas. Brown people from Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico did not exist to them.

There are a lot of Hispanics that are white/can pass for white* and I have zero expectation of them. Those are the kind that will tell you “if I came here legally, then everyone else should.” Zero sympathy for their own people, and for many, zero understanding that you may think you’re white, but most Americans don’t,