
A qualified female could always win. A criminal like Hillary would have set back women’s rights for years

Whats up with that gobbler thing under her chin? Anyway she is a criminal and anyone else who did what she did/does would be in jail

Besides, getting votes in CA and NY to pretend that it should have “pet her over the top” is also meaningless. I don’t live in either of those states for a reason. I shouldn’t have to live under their wishes which is why we have states and why I live in a state other than NY/CA


Don’t forget that $5 million house is an ‘improvement’ which must be taxes annually. If you took that $5 million in the form as a tax and the builder can no longer build that house, you lose the tax revenue, the workers who would have built that house don’t have that work and that $5 million is lost in a bureaucracy.

We have had 8 years of ‘demand side’ and it has resulted in a shitty economy with 1 percent growth which doesn’t even keep up with population increases. It has never worked. Stealing from teh rich never works. Get off your lazy ass and do something productive

Um, cutting taxes increases treasury revenues every time it is done. Budget deficits are about spending.

Nope, all tax brackets will get a break. That’s called fairness, by the way. The top tax bracket being lowered will promote growth in the stagnated economy. Obama barely got 1 percent growth quarterly and was happy about that. Reagan’s tax cuts resulted in 5-7 percent growth in the economy. If Trump hits 50 percent of

So, building a school automatically educates people now? The very fact that you think you can solve the problem by entrusting the same people who screwed up shows your own ignorance. If you taxed “the rich” at 100 percent you would run the country for a week at best. You have no idea the depths of deceit your hero

If we all aspired to be wealthier we would have less poverty. The government can’t fix stupid.

lol, Europe with the best healthcare????

A lot of Schmuckerburg’s fortune is due to luck. If people only knew or cared that Facebook regularly takes liberties with their privacy Schmucherburg would barely be a millionaire. Regardless, instead of inviting more government into our lives we should promote self sufficiency unless you cannot be self-sufficient

>the left are A-OK with absolutely eviscerating people for espousing sexist, >misogynistic, violent, warmongering and otherwise reprehensible ideas,

Best decision of your life

Unplug from Facebook-NOW

However, much of Reddit is downvoted for not being PC so you aren’t getting the true unbiased comments you think thereby giving Reddit users a similar twisted view

Funny, I thought you people were supposed to be inclusive, loving, caring individuals. I see no love in your words.

Kind of like a crime committed where they say the suspect is male and give no other identifying characteristics....unless he is white.

They already shorten the yellow to trap people, especially when photo enforcement is involved, FYI. It has been documented.

And some dummies who are there because of genitalia or lack thereof