Positive Wasserman Schultz

Nouveau naked money.

GENIUS. I’m Jewish and I want this! Too long for a headstone?

Seal Team Cis

Whatever this is, it's delightful.

He looks like a chicken eating chicken cannibal.

Aaron Hernandez

I guess your name is too subtle for some. 

I'm a part of PC culture but the ads just sucked. Derivative and repetitious.

The ads are dense and incomprehensible. How many robots and cars and Bud Light do ya need to see?!

I’m right there with you and I'm Jewish!

Almost spot on! Did you lay any money on it?!

Served by McDonald Trump himself no less.

I live in Maryland, three miles from the Border Wall with D.C.. We’re rabid Ravens fans as it’s a good organization, though not perfect or elite always. Come join us, it’s not too late.

Hmmm. Sounds remarkably like the Washington Football Club's season this year: first Alex Smith , then Colt McCoy. Rumors say they'll pick up only the best for next year -- the elite Joe Flacco.

+1 bindle shtick

Just you wait. All of the Shahs will be sitting at the 50 yard line. This is going to end very well. Just have Wilbert Rundles stake it out. 

Yeah, I'm from Philadelphia. We bust you at Starbucks for being black and having a business meeting.

Jealous! No seriously, glad you had fun from one Iggles fan to another.

He then looked and has always liked a stink to me. 
