
Don’t turn anything in race battle please, as always.

Didn't Massachusetts JUST pass a law against upskirts and such? Does this not fall under the purview of that law?

That woman is a hero. Confrontation is not easy, even in the best of situations.

A stranger on the street told me the thought of my toes was turning him on. I had close-toed shoes on.

Holy fuck. I guess that’s what happens when you try to rock The Good Ship Patriarchy, the status quo warriors will be swiftly deployed.

It’s about violating a person’s privacy and getting away with it. I assume it has little to do with the actual content of the photos.

Ovaries of steel!

News Media has different rules, they are allowed to show faces. otherwise all our news would be filled with blurred faces.

Are you implying that without solid proof of what he was doing, we should simply dismiss her account? If that’s your point then explain why a woman would detour from whatever she was doing to pursue a stranger in this fashion. You are assuming 1) she is mentally unstable enough to seek attention at someone else’s

looks like jared. why do pervs all look like sentient potatoes?

Oh I can’t wait for the fallout from this. He’s got a wife that’s going to see this and probably an employer. He better stop paying that internet bill at home if he wants to delay the inevitable.

On newbury street with a camera. Duh.

Where: Their crotches and backsides.

I can’t wait for someone to recognize him and tell his wife. How do you like filming without permission now, fuckface?

This woman became my fucking hero. Also fuck that guy. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Worst. Liar. Ever.

I’m writing this woman in for president.

Somewhat disappointed he didn’t run into busy traffic? I applaud trolling via mirrored behavior. This lady is troll level 9000

I’d like to think I could have maintained my composure long enough to do the same thing, but I doubt it.

Ugh. Creepy and gross. You can’t even get from point A to point B without being videographically violated.

Internet Revenge Squad, assemble!*