
Get the fuck out of here. Your link to more information is a fucking link to another article on this website.

This wouldn’t even be considered social engineering in the hacking sense. Social engineering in the hacking sense is a method used for gaining information to enable hacking. Its not actually hacking.

All the intelligence agency reports say they influenced the election not hacked it. Also I did not vote for Trump and this has nothing to do with supporting Trump or not and everything to do with perpetuating a myth.

Really because hacking has been around since around 1400. Its met various things at various times but at no point has it met influencing an event.

Social engineering is a way to gain access to a system to do hacking but it isn’t hacking. Try again.

Hack is only an ambiguous term to hacks who don’t know tech. We are on a tech site. They should know better.

They influenced the election they did not hack it.

Its especially frustrating because this is supposed to be a tech site. They should make sure they are using correct terms for this stuff.

Thats awesome.

Partisan hack calls other partisan hack a partisan hack. News at 11.

The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it’s done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.

I love how you keep repeating that they hacked our election like its the same as hacking the democrats email servers.

This deserves so many more stars.

Well it looks like gizmodo media group couldn’t resist turning this sub blog into a partisan hack job too. Good luck I am off to warzone.

Was thinking of buying Overwatch but guess not. I hope appealing to the 1.5 percent of people that are gay is worth losing the support of normal folks.

Yes Obama supports the idea too.

All these words and no mention of

Well 2016 sure is going out with a bang.

At least 10 dead now :/

Sorry to disappoint but I started working when I was 14 and haven’t worked for minimum wage since I was 15.