wing wong

“The only politicians that argue against have something to lose.”

So you understand the articles are biased but since they support your opinion your believe them and even link to them. Got it.

“Yes, I will balance every liberal article with a conservative one.”

Let me help you out. When you claim every source is liberal bias and ignore it and then post some extremely biased article from someone like Alex Jones and then get mad and whiny when people call you out on it; well that is not looking to have an adult conversation.

You are trolling on Gawker of all places and want to talk about being an adult? Hilarious.

Says the guy rejecting every other opinion.....

“I disregard biased articles written by Democrats. You could search yourself but that would involve reading things that you don’t agree with.”

No, there are hundreds of articles on the lack of voter fraud. What you’re doing is confirmation bias - you reject anything that doesn’t match your preconceived belief. Think about this logically: we can barely get people to vote once, do you honestly think people are voting, then turning around to go to another

According to your replies throughout this thread, the questions and the answers are invalid, but somehow not you lack of specificity.

You’ve got nothing to back up your argument. No studies. No reports. Acorn voter fraud is a myth. You disregard anything which doesn’t match your confirmation bias. You suck at math and critical thinking, and you have nothing intelligent to add to this topic. I award you no points.

You’re the one claiming that it’s such a widespread problem that it requires restrictive laws to fight. The onus of proof of that lies with you.

Yea we heard you the other seven times you posted the same crap.