but Bryan Singer already used up all of the Donner Superman memberberries in Superman Returns. kind of intrigued to see where else Abrams mines the nostalgia. woah, this project already has a mystery box.
but Bryan Singer already used up all of the Donner Superman memberberries in Superman Returns. kind of intrigued to see where else Abrams mines the nostalgia. woah, this project already has a mystery box.
if they think Superman is boring, they should make the main character Lex Luthor (like how Thanos is really the lead of Infinity War).
me: yeah, they should totally just make this an Icon movie. why don’t they do that?
i think none of it matters. after Flashpoint and the establishment of multiverse travel, they have carte blanche to do whatever they want in terms of continuity. Pattinson’s Batman was really popular? ok he’s teaming up with Gadot and Momoa. multiverse! what? Joaquin will take our dump truck of money? he’s killing…
and he’s at odds with a black Lex Luthor (Idris Elba), who had to scratch, claw, and backstab to get to where he is? yes please.
i prefer tropical flavors in my smoothen
i prefer tropical flavors in my smoothen
Sony: actually, every fuck up has been a learning opportunity. so fucking up is what gives me to confidence to try again.
forbidden protein bar.
who can sit through the whole hour?
they do make the point that it’s odd how this product is specifically aimed at people who are susceptible to auditory sensitivity. and that makes it a different ballgame. have you ever physically cringed from a sound? like a nail on a chalkboard?
exactly. and i’ll pay to hate-watch every entry.
maybe Garfield or McGuire will be Old Man Spiderman, interacting with Venom and vampire-Joker.
just become a studio exec and you can watch movies well before the screener
i misread that as a surprising amount of Jewish on that lander, and i was like, duh, have you seen that things nose?
schrodinger says if they don’t watch the video, it’s both.
“one could say there’s a loss of functionality, or spun a different way, it’s a more reliable design.”
seriously, people need to stop undermining real miracles, like landing on Mars.
only a handful of people knew Hayward’s plan but D’Arcy hacked her way into that.
i remember the long game was to collect data and then force theaters to bend the knee and lower prices for moviepass (or something like that). i’d like to know more about that idea.
it’s all fun and games until you try to watch Mission Impossible