
when will we get the garbage disposal in the shower drain?

how does Sinclair fold into all of this? i know they don’t get along with Hulu. 

and then they were like, “hey, what if we were just one big company?”

And AT&T can’t find their ass with both hands.

oh agreed. i just found it funny. like, i imagine her asking Pedro Pascal how construction of the border the wall is coming along, and he’s like first of all i’m Chilean, and secondly, i work here. 

anti-semitic, anti-BLM, anti-mask. she said Alderaan things.

All she had to do was keep the QAnon and extreme-conservative or racist bullshit to a minimum

the Grinder: New Orleans?

Sharon Carter confiscated and supplied weapons of mass destruction to known war-criminals.

13 year old Limp Bizkit fans

Also, it lets Marvel Studios to pick and choose the best parts of those universes to have them hop into the MCU (either for a limited appearance or permanently)

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse also introduced all multiversal characters and universes within the movie. it was self-contained. asking an audience to be on board with multiple franchises and films to get the backstory is a big (but not impossible) ask.

the problem with any Fox X-Men taking a trip across the multiverse to the MCU, is that they will have to go back.

sometimes the only thing that separates the hero and the villain is their methods. 

i think it’s all or nothing.

Quicksilver’s powers didn’t make any sense in Apocalypse. the slow-mo scene was pretty cool in DoFP, but the one in Apocalypse went on way too long and just tried to do way too much. and at the end of the it all, Havoc still dies. 

what if, for the last scene of the season, it ends as SNL, and they give a special thanks to Kevin Feige and bring him on stage. 

he had the Uncle Jesse leather jacket, but it’s also in line with what he wore in DoFP. high-fives all around. 

Who else could be the Aerospace Engineer?

... so more mutants?