id rather have the option to be able to take pictures with it closed (regular phone mode) than having to open it every time i want to snap a pic. i guess designers can’t make everyone happy, but i wouldn’t call this a fail.
that would require you to flip open the phone every time you wanted to use the back camera though.
your right! dusnt matter wat wrods or how its spelld. as long as we get thepoint across.
- Killmonger is back!
if i was Jim Lee (or whoever is calling the shots) and i got a great Superman script that does him justice, independent of any continuity requirements, i’d still go with Cavill over Routh. though if they wanted to bring back Shaq as Steel...
oh yeah, Liev was great. it would have been awesome if he had been in Logan as X-24. instead of two Wolverines, he has to face off against a clone of Sabretooth one last time.
i wouldn’t mind if Patrick Stewart came back as Prof X in the MCU X-Men. even if it had nothing to do with the FoX-Men.
Who loved Jamie Foxx as Electro?
simple. they just make the Inhumans show a fictional show within the MCU itself.
not saying Florence Pugh will be a twist one and done villain, but i wouldn’t automatically assume she’s replacing Nat either.
they banished that idea to another dimension
also Chromecast makes consuming youtube as a group much easier. everyone can individually search and add to th queue from their own device. you don’t have to do the whole “uhh, try searching ‘man falling down red shirt’... ummm.. it’s maybe that third one?”
i can see that. and i’m no Trump supporter by any means. but one thing EVERYONE needs to do is be mindful on how many of our opinions and decisions are based on facts and evidence versus “seems to be” and “feels like”
agreed, both candidate should be familiar with them, and i don’t doubt that Trump is lying about not knowing them. i was just pointing out to OP that Trump calling them by name in the debate isn’t necessarily definitive proof that he knew who they were since he was prompted.
i think the real answer is that we want to watch/control streams from any device. phone or remote. neither is overall better than the other. watching youtube on my smart TV always ends up with me switching over to my phone because who actually likes typing with a remote?
there doesn’t even need to be mass shooting. even just a credible threat that causes enough fear so that people who would otherwise vote stay home, Russia wins.
TBF, i rewatched this part and it’s actually Biden who first throws out the name “Proud Boys” into the mix.
Pam Beasley and Jim?
random: but i think Zac Effron would make a great Nightwing.