L Karamazov

I agree. Sometimes people just want to "gut it out". After seeing what happened to The boss, you would think he would feel vulnerable. Where was the security at that whorehouse?

Oh yeah, and Richard shooting that guy with one hand, after telling the kid to close his eyes. Is there a new phrase to replace "that was epic'?

Any ideas on why Narcisse refused to cut the same deal with Luciano that he had with Joe the boss? Or a similar deal of some sort? Joe the Boss had proven to be very useful for Narcisse. One of the five best scenes in this show in my opinion was that scene where I think Nucky showed up and Narcisee was sitting there

Spying on the communists probably. They were a threat in the 30's.

Yes, going to war with Luciano seems to be a losing proposition, but I still hope Narcisse can save face and his life.

I hope Narcisse does a better job than he did last year, as with the Chalky hits. I NEED to see Narcisse pull out some amazing machinations!!!!

Yeah, Capone is quite entertaining. I remember when he and Chalky were about to go "bare knuckles'- that was the best season to me, with Gyp Rossetti. I must say the guy who plays Luciano is also a pleasure.

Young Nucky and the lesbo fest in prison(two episodes ago)episode) are time down the drain. In my opinion this show is like the Sopranos only in that you have to watch it with "fast forward" privileges.

"jimmy"? Who can remember anything that far back?

She should be destroyed for firing her office manager.

Excellent article. I just started watching this show. I just watched the first four episodes, and I found this article by searching "Kevin Spacey character too.." as in "too smart" "too powerful" etc. He's like a politician running unopposed. Thats boring as hell, but at the same time, as the author states, I can't