
That's just bizarre and really hurtful of them! I'd be offended too. I don't think just because a wedding is "your day" you get to be shitty to people who (up until that point) consider you their friend. Take the wedding part out of it: I can't imagine having a friend help me make a reservation for a birthday dinner,

For some reason I got the impression from her letter they had talked about it - but if she really hasn't said something to the couple this is all on her.

It's really weird. I think it's either that the friend is honestly not so much of a "best friend" after all, or there's some other, specific reason that the BF isn't welcome at the wedding which the letter-writer isn't aware of.

Yeah, the "planning" involvement is a little murky here, for sure. I honestly wouldn't expect a bachelor party to be held to the same rules of attending = invite to the wedding, but if he's part of the party planning committee itself this is really bizarre.

That is a very good point. I just assumed that they must have talked because of how certain she is... but perhaps this is something that's taking place entirely in her head! Definitely they should talk.

I agree when it's solely about the wedding, but I think this is more about their friendship. I think fighting over the invite is a lost cause, but maybe a friendship re-evaluation is needed. They sound like they're being jerks to the letter writer, or at the very least there's something that needs to be addressed.

Yeah, upon further reading I'm pretty irritated for her myself.

Yeah! I have never heard of someone getting invited to wedding events but not the wedding itself, unless it's a destination wedding or truly "only family". Not "close family and friends plus one couple I met three weeks ago".

Totally. If he really wants to do it he should, but I feel like it's them taking advantage of him. They can't pay for one more person at their wedding, but are happy to have him plan and possibly pay for a wedding-related party? I just don't understand how he could be good enough friends with the groom to be part of

Also I re-read and it seems like the cake was not in fact her gift, but rather just a favor she's doing the couple to help them with their budget? If that's the case they really are wrong and I don't blame her for feeling angry enough to back out entirely. I like what someone else said about sending the cake but not

I think the boyfriend throwing the bachelor party, but not being invited to the wedding, is a little strange. I've never heard of someone being involved in actual planning of those events not even being able to go to the wedding (I mean, that's a wedding-party-member responsibility, really) and I think it's a little

Pretty much your entire comment history is dedicated to disproving sexism in multiple Jezebel posts.

Yes me too. These comments are a shitshow of people wanting to debate the concept of sexism itself :/

And lol at Brad handing out the plates! I loved it and so much.

That's all I know! And Alan Rickman is involved, I think. Also when I lived in London people asked me a lot about going to Kings Cross and looking for some pretend platform but unfortunately I always had an actual train to catch from an actual platform. #booharrypotter

Seriously. I had a "friend" on Facebook who used to post daily about how formula babies are stupid, badly behaved, sickly creatures who are doomed in life. She has bought completely into all the sanctimommy/AP stuff and it's really unbearable, and she's just not intelligent enough to recognize that medical advice from

Hah! I was not breastfed and I am so, so, so sick of all the comments about how babies who aren't breastfed are essentially crack babies (another made up epidemic).

Yeah that's pretty appalling - agreed.

I've seen him post his nails a few times - it is always magical.

Gah the "ist" blogs had some kind of weird interactive ad/website for this show yesterday and it was an excellent primer in how shitty this show is. Made up slang, misogyny, terrible jokes, etc. It looked like it was going to be a show about awful awful people, but I think the premise is that you are supposed to be