
This is like the people who idolize Tony Montana from Scarface without realizing that he's a pathetic/tragic character.

Snoop posts a lot of kinda offensive memes on his instagram, but I live for his posts of his nails (and the posts about his wife!). His nail art is probably my favorite and I love that he doesn't make a big deal out of it, he posts his nails like anyone else would. It's because he knows they're amazing.

I hadn't heard this so I looked it up - that whole thing was started by a Geordie Shore cast member! Possibly the worst source ever, for any category of info?

I was having similar thoughts recently, after realizing R.I.P. is the only song of hers I can think of or recognize, and that's from two years ago! I like her for some reason, so I do follow her on Instagram, but I can't really figure out what she does aside from DKNY ads and looking beautiful.

I am so happy they did this! I can finally put in more resume-type specifics which I had to leave off during my last job search, so that the building I work in wasn't identifiable (I work in a very large company). I had anonymous profile enabled already to stop the notifications of who had viewed my profile, but this

I think it's any more conservative-leaning culture, or even just a region, that tends to emphasize marriage. I definitely felt the most marriage-pressure when I lived in a small town overseas for a few years, but the US has a simmering low-level of pressure that can't really be escaped anywhere. It's really hard not

I was having very similar thoughts this morning.

I'm getting so confused by the temperatures that I wore my "light" winter jacket today - in 15 degree weather. I even thought to myself "it might be too hot today if it gets up to 27". My brain is broken.

How do you feel about the Vinyl Cafe? I think I actually get physically ill listening to it.

I'm really enjoying the puns in this comment.

I went to UIUC and I remember a significant number of my professors being pretty nuts about attendance. I didn't have many classes that I could just ditch and nobody would care or notice, and certainly never an entire day full of them. The larger classes would often have "clickers" to register your attendance by

I just don't think I can live up to Bey's example here, I'd let myself down! So far the chairs have continued to be used for just regular sitting. Stay tuned.

I've got those exact same chairs in my kitchen...

I agree! It's so sad. I used to teach in a really conservative area and kids that fell outside really narrow gender roles had it really rough, coming from both teachers and students. It's definitely sad.

Polarn O. Pyret was my refuge when attempting to shop for gender neutral clothing for a fairly conservative coworker who didn't want to find out the sex of the baby until she had it. I knew she was unlikely to put the kid in the "wrong" gender's clothing, ugh.

I hear what you mean about that with Kanye, and I agree he's not as good politically as many other rappers and he tends to focus on divisive and controversial statements. His sexism in his songs and his attitudes towards black women are also harmful and I would not fault anyone for not listening to his music for that.

But why?

Your personal opinion is NOT the point. Other people's personal opinions on bodies not their own is the entire problem this article is addressing - it was not asking "hair down there: good or bad??" it was talking about objectification and imposed standards of beauty/body image. Endorsement of/hating of is irrelevant.

I'm sure their tasteful ads for socks will still feature fully waxed models (and not very many socks).

Notice I said "most".